

Kempování na Novém Zélandu

Spousta cestovatelů na Novém Zélandu využívá k přespání campervany a hledání vhodného kempu je tak na denním pořádku. Jak je to tedy s kempováním na Novém Zélandu?

Kempy na Novém Zélandu

Oba ostrovy jsou s různou hustotou posety všemožnými kempy různých kvalit a cen. Základní rozdělení je následující:

  • komerční kempy - plně vybavené s veškerým komfortem a vyšší cenou
  • DOC kempy - se základním vybavením, velmi levné ($6 za osobu a noc)
  • vyznačená místa, kde je možné přenocovat zdarma
  • freedom kemping

Pro nalezení vhodného místa k přespání se Vám budou určitě hodit následující weby a aplikace:

  • Official Camping NZ - free
    Download: Android, iPhone
    Tato aplikace od Rankers NZ je oficiálně schválenou aplikací. Místa, která zde najdete k volnému kempování jsou místními úřady schválena nebo tolerována.
  • WikiCamps
    Download: Android, iPhone, Windows
    Neoficiální aplikace obsahující kempy, místa k přespání a místa vhodná k návštěvě. Hodí se využívat obě aplikace, WikiCamps někdy obsahuje informace navíc, které sice nejsou oficiální, ale vychází ze zkušeností ostatních cestovatelů.
  • CamperMate
    Download: Android, iPhone
    Aplikace podobná WikiCamps, obsahuje jak Nový Zéland, tak Austrálii.
  • Essential New Zealand
    Download: AndroidiPhone
    Aplikace stránky https://www.newzealand.com/, kde najdete místa, která stojí za to navštívit.
  • https://www.rankers.co.nz/respect
    Oficiální webová mapa kempů, stejně jako aplikace od Rankers NZ.
  • https://www.rankers.co.nz/freedom
    Výborně zpracovaná online mapa atrakcí, které je možné na Novém Zélandu navštívit, s pokročilými možnostmi filtrování výsledků.
  • https://www.doc.govt.nz
    Oficiální web Department of Conversation, kde najdete spoustu informací o národních parcích, turistických trasách a možnostech kempování.
  • https://www.nzmca.org.nz/
    Oficiální stránky novozélandské asociace majitelů campervanů. Najdete zde například informace o místech, kde lze kempovat zdarma a za jakých podmínek.

Freedom kemping

Freedom kemping neboli kempování ve volné přírodě je zejména pro backpackery poměrně žhavé téma. Nejen snaha ušetřit každý dolar, ale i touha trávit čas na nepřeplněných místech s romantickou atmosférou na straně jedné, hrozba vysoké pokuty za kempování na zakázaném místě na straně druhé. Jak z toho ven? 

  • Doporučuji držet se informací ve výše uvedených aplikacích, fungují spolehlivě.
  • Pokud si nejste jistí, vždy předpokládejte tu horší variantu
  • Informace se dají najít na webech místních councilů
  • Velmi často Vaši nejistotu rozptýlí značky
  • Freedom kemping je výsada, nikoliv právo. Takto o tom přemýšlejte.

Pokud se do problematiky freedom kempingu chcete začíst podrobněji, zde je komunikace Ondry Merty s DOC:

Hello ,

Thank you for request re Freedom Camping questions and rules in New Zealand .

I am very pleased to see that plan to stay in standard camps and huts as a norm, although you feel you may need to freedom camp at some times.

This is not an issue as long as you follow the laws that each District Council sets up ( unfortunately they are not always consistent) and the Department of Conservations (DOC) national system of 'prohibited and restricted sites". I-Sites and Visitor Centre's will be more than happy to help you with information on sites where you can freedom camp.

If you have access to the internet you can check definitions at the public legislation website at https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2011/0061/latest/whole.html#DLM3742891

But generally:

Freedom Camping Act 2011, S.5 Meaning of freedom camp:

(1) In this Act, freedom camp means to camp (other than at a camping ground) within 200 m of a motor vehicle accessible area or the mean low-water springs line of any sea or harbour, or on or within 200 m of a formed road or a Great Walks Track, using 1 or more of the following:

(a) a tent or other temporary structure;
(b) a caravan;
(c) a car, campervan, housetruck, or other motor vehicle.

(2) In this Act, freedom camping does not include the following activities:

(a) temporary and short-term parking of a motor vehicle;
(b) recreational activities commonly known as day-trip excursions;
(c) resting or sleeping at the roadside in a caravan or motor vehicle to avoid driver fatigue.

(3) In subsection (1), camping ground means:

(a) a camping ground that is the subject of a current certificate of registration under the Camping-Grounds Regulations 1985; and
(b) any site at which a fee is payable for camping at the site

Great Walks Track means:

(a) a track specified in Schedule 1; and
(b) any other track specified by Order in Council made under section 44 as a Great Walks Track.

The Freedom Camping Act applies in both Local Authority areas, and Department of Conservation areas. For Local Authorities freedom camping is permitted in any local authority area unless it is restricted or prohibited in accordance with bylaws and where restricted sites will normally be promulgated in council maps and usually signposted.

For conservation land, freedom camping is permitted in any land controlled or managed by the Department under a conservation Act unless it is restricted or prohibited in the NZ Gazette and published on the public DOC website or available at local DOC offices. Most restricted areas will also carry signage.

Otázky a odpovědi z DOC

Q: How exactly is unlawful camping defined? At what point can I be fined? Does the official need to find me sleeping in my car?

A: If a warranted Freedom Camping Enforcement Officer has reason to believe a person is freedom camping, then they are empowered to issue an infringement notice. Equally if the person infringed believes this is wrong they are entitled to contest the notice in Court as with any other type of infringement fine notice. Defences are outlined on the back of the infringement notice issued.

Q: I stay up late in a place I like and decide to drive overnight. Can I be fined while relaxing in my camping chair at night at a spot where I am not allowed to freedom camp? I will not be sleeping there at any point.

A: You need to explain your circumstances to the Enforcement Officer. If he has reason to believe you are freedom camping, then he is empowered to issue an infringement notice. Your rights are as in A above.

Q: I sleep in a camp but decide to head out early to see the sunrise. Park my car, get out my camping chairs or even a blanket to relax on and get breakfast going. Can I be fined by misunderstanding?

A: You need to explain your circumstances to the Enforcement Officer. If he has reason to believe you are freedom camping, then he is empowered to issue an infringement notice. Your rights are as in A above.

Q: If I want to take a nap during the day in my car but I will not be staying overnight. Can I be fined?

A: Very unlikely

Q: I have black tainted windows in my car and curtains as well. When I leave my car overnight to go for a multiday hike can I be fined because an official might think I am in the car?

A: You need to explain your circumstances to the Enforcement Officer. If he has reason to believe you are freedom camping, then he is empowered to issue an infringement notice. Your rights are as in A above.

Q. Are there any regulations for leaving my car overnight in public parking lots? (For example am I allowed to leave my non-self-contained car in a self-contained vehicle zone when I am not sleeping in it? What about view points / car stops along the roads.

A: No regulations. You have the same rights as any other day visitor in that situation

Q: What happens if I park in an area where I see no signs prohibiting freedom camping, drink some wine and then find out I am not supposed to be there. At this point I will not be allowed to drive. Can I take a nap and wait until I fully sober or will I get fined for this?

A: You should not be approached by anEnforcement Officer if there are no signs prohibiting freedom camping. If you are found to be infringing, but haves been drinking, an officer may well issue an infringement notice at the time but has the discretion to allow you to remain onsite until the following morning, but with advice that if they do not move on when fit to drive, they may incur an additional $200 infringement fine.

Q: Is camping in tents allowed on the Great Walks if you build them out of site of the tracks? I prefer to stay in cabins but it they are full I would like to have this option. I have read that with the exception of Milford Sounds this is allowed but that not many people know of it.

A: Bylaws on Great Walks including the Milford Track prohibit camping outside of designated campsites and 500 metres either side of the track. You may book approved campsites onallGreat Walks

Q: Who can give me a fine? Only policemen or are there any other officials with this right?

A:Both Department of Conservation warranted FCA officers and District Council warranted FCA officers can issue infringements fine notices dependant on the jurisdiction the offending person is in. Police Officers are not warranted under this Act.

Q: I have found this website with some very interesting information.


"In many places around New Zealand you will find signs that have been erected by the local council prohibiting overnight parking or camping. Some councils have even placed "blanket bans" in their entire region or restrictions such as no overnight parking within a certain distance of a campground or urban area. A few councils have tried to appear to be appeasing the campers by banning freedom camping in general, but "allowing" certain small and specific areas to be used for overnight camping. They have even been backing up their position by appointing officers to patrol the region and 'move people on' if they are found to be freedom camping in a non-designated area.

In actual fact, all of these actions by local authorities are not lawful under the Freedom Camping Act 2011. The law did allow some time for the councils to bring their by-laws into line with the Act, but this time has now passed."

Is it correct?

A: I cannot answer this one for you, you would be best to contact the Department Of Internal Affairs ( DIA) with this request . This department has oversite of the Councils and Territorial Authorities that the website above is discussing.

My advice to you is that freedom camping in New Zealand is a privilege not a right and goes hand in hand with a responsible attitude where non self-contained camping is contemplated.

Dlouhodobé cestovní pojištění nejen na Nový Zéland najdete na webu VisitKiwi.cz.